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cura Pedras

Pequenos rituais trazem magia para o nosso dia a dia. O poder da intenção, da simbologia, da representação é transformador. É energia quântica pura. Com mais consciência, a beleza das coisas ressalta e tudo fica mais poético. Aqui compartilho alguns pequenos rituais e meditações para trazer mais leveza e conexão para sua rotina. 

wake up ritual

Ritual do Despertar.MP3
00:00 / 05:14

Our wellbeing depends on how we decide to start and end our days. Wake up slowly!

breathing 1 : 2

Respiração 1 : 2.WAV
00:00 / 04:49

A breathing exercise to start the day. Inspire through the nose in 1 time, expire through the mouth in 2 times. Bring some calm to your day!

squared breath

Respiração em quadrado.MP3
00:00 / 05:22

Wake-up, strech and breath. Nothing better to set the mood of your day. Squared breathing brings balance and regulates anxiety. Try it!

alternate breath

00:00 / 06:57

In need for a balance? There is no better exercise than the alternate breath. It soothes extrems, harmonizes poles, integrates. And make you vibrate!


00:00 / 09:42

Equinox are an invitation to balance. To leave behind everything that it is not anymore helpful and open space to the new to come. Make this ritual at home, with paper and a pencil. And surrender!

em breve mais!

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